“Your sacred space is where you can find yourself again and again.” — Joseph Campbell
Life has been challenging for many people over the past year. There has been considerable loss and change. Our family has not been immune, losing more than 6 family members, most recently my brother. There is so much to hold when dealing with the usual life stressors on top of repeated loss. I’ve found that making space foe both grief and gratitude can be particularly healing. There are a range of emotions that ebb and flow as you navigate a loss. At times it can feel that the intensity of emotion may completely consume and overwhelm you. But, if you have the courage to stay present to what is present, you’re likely to notice the ever-changing nature of emotions. Like clouds in the sky they drift and eventually disappear from your view. It is important to create a sacred space to process and heal the heart. This can be a physical space like a closet or a room no matter how small. Bring in items that promote feelings of calm and safety. For me this includes candles, fresh flowers and inspirational signs and images that remind me of my intention to care for myself. I also love a soft blanket to curl up under. In addition to physical space, it’s vital to make room in your schedule to allow for mental and emotional space. Processing emotion in a healthy way requires energy. Planning in advance can help. So as the world opens back up and attempts to return to life as usual, don’t forget that you may need more time and space to process all of the challenges, loss and trauma that the past year has brought. Give yourself permission to care for yourself, without excuses. Make space to hold and process the grief while also cultivating ways to practice gratitude. Sending positive, loving and healing wishes to guide you on your journey.
Some of the most profound messages come to me in sets of three.
Recently I’ve had conversations in my personal and professional life that are focused on the frustrations of not being able to control outcomes. The crux of these discussions centered around loss. Loss of an identity when considering a career change. Loss of a relationship that you didn’t want to end. Loss of a sense of freedom in some aspect of your life. Whether it’s a fear of an impending loss or a loss you’ve already encountered, there is a common feeling of not being quite ready to let go. In these cases, resistance is present. There’s a lack of acceptance of what’s happening. Sometimes there’s a full on war with the reality of a situation. In both reactions, there is a lot of unnecessary suffering. So, what do you do? How can you know when it’s time to let go and surrender the outcome vs taking action to positively impact the results you desire? I came across this article that did a great job of providing guidance on how to discern the difference and how to surrender in a powerful way, https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/inviting-monkey-tea/201605/when-its-time-let-go-control-and-surrender. May it provide valuable insights and words of wisdom to support you on your journey. And may you find strength and courage as you navigate the loss. If I can be if any support to you as you process the loss, please don’t hesitate to reach out, [email protected]. When I ask physicians what gets in the way of transitioning to a nonclinical career, one of the most common reasons shared is loss of motivation.
It can feel hard to find the motivation to continue on your search for the ideal nonclinical job when you’re not getting any response back on applications and dealing with multiple rejections. The truth is that motivation comes from within. This is really good news because it means you have more control than you think. Motivation is generated by the thoughts you think. The problem is that many of those thoughts are unconscious and operating in the background of your life. So now that you’re aware of where your motivation comes from, don’t sit around waiting for it to magically appear. Be proactive and fuel your motivation with these 20 inspiring quotes that are sure to spark positive thoughts.
Let me know which of these quotes most inspire you and if you have a suggested quote to add to the list, please share in the comments below or reach out to me directly, [email protected]. |
Life Beyond Clinical Practice with Dr. Michelle Bailey
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Hi, I'm Dr. Michelle Bailey.
I help physicians who are unhappy or unsatisfied with their current career find a nonclinical career that they love. Retiring early from clinical practice after almost 20 years as a board-certified pediatrician I successfully made the leap and transitioned to a nonclinical career. I'm thriving in my new career and am on a mission to help other physicians do the same with the support, guidance, and community that I wish I had when I was struggling with this decision. You're invited to connect with me in my private Facebook community for physicians to learn about all things related to your nonclinical career transition. Join here. |
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